THE ORDER OF GOD FOR MARRIAGE : Pastor Isaac Olutimehin


Genesis 2:22-23 KJV.
“And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man”.
[23] “And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man”.


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We want to look at the order of marriage today as ordained by God.


God hates loneliness and he is aware that man is never complete without the woman.

We should remember that marriage was the plan of God for man. As for man, he never believed he needed a companion until God thought otherwise and brought the woman into his life.

Therefore, when a woman believes she is ripe for marriage, she should look up unto God who has ordained marriage “to bring her unto the man”.
The man who is ripe for marriage should equally look up unto God for the right woman. The man should ask God to connect him with that woman he has created with the rib taken from him.

After this union ordained by God is formed, Paul the apostle now gave a wonderful counsel on how both should relate with each other. Hear him 👇

“Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord” – Ephesians 5:22.

“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it” – Ephesians 5:25.

When this counsel is adopted in any marriage, there will certainly be peace and harmony.

How could Paul, who never got married give such an inspiring message if not by divine revelation.

The major problem of a woman in marriage is submission. The woman finds it so difficult to submit to her husband particularly when she has a good job.
Most women who are probably richer than their husbands equally find it so difficult to submit out of pride.

The man on the other hand has a problem loving “the bone of his bones and the flesh of his flesh”.

God created all things and after each of his creatures, God said ‘it is Good’.
After the creation of man, God said “it was very good” – Genesis 1:31.
However, when you get to Genesis 2:18, where God was talking about marriage, God now said: “it is not good…”.

God was simply saying here that a man is never complete without the woman. God hates loneliness beloved.

■■■ You may begin to wonder why God didn’t pull the woman out of Adam’s head. It is because God didn’t intend the woman to control the man. She must submit to her man.

♤♤♤ Let us digress a little: Somebody said, if the bible says that the man is the head, then what is the woman. This fellow now said, the woman is the neck that controls the head.
●●● Beloved, the woman who submits totally to her husband will unconsciously be controlling him.

■■■ Why didn’t God create Eve from Adam’s legs? It is because God never intended that she would be matched or trampled upon by the man. They are both companions.

■■■ The woman was not pulled out from the hands of man because God didn’t intend the woman to be manipulated by the man.
She is an help meet to her husband and that is who God wants her to be.

♡♡♡ The woman was created from the side of the heart of the man because God intends her to always be in his heart and always by his side.

In view of the above therefore, any man who hates his woman (wife) hates himself.

Any man who raises his hands against his wife needs deliverance.

Only a mad man will hurt himself without feeling the pain.

Read the story of the mad man of Gadarenes 👇

“And always, night and day, he was in the mountains, and in the tombs, crying, and cutting himself with stones” – Mark 5:5.

The bible queries 👇

_Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned?
[28] Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned – Proverbs 6:27-28._

The man should always remember, “this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh”.

☆☆☆ Can a man bite his own fingers and not suffer pains?

■■■ The Holy Spirit has ministered something to me while counseling couples and I have been practicing it for some years now. The man should be close enough to his wife and encourage her to go on her kneels every morning joining her hands with her husband’s to prophesy into his life.
Hear me beloved, it works wonders.
■■■ I know a woman may want to ask: what if the husband is not ready to pray with her? Go ahead and still pray for him, even in your privacy, from the bottom of your heart.

■■■ There was this couple who was always fighting and the husband would beat his wife to stupor. I counselled them by asking the wife to pray for her husband every morning before he would go to work. Fortunately, both of them agreed and were doing it religiously. The wife even testified that most times, it was her husband who would wake her up, early in the morning to pray for him before going to work. Few months later, the husband was promoted in his office and the promotion was back dated and all arrears paid. He instantly bought a car for his wife. I was personally invited to dedicate the car.


1. Father, you are the author of marriage, step into my marriage today and correct every faulty foundation in Jesus name.
2. Oh God, uproot from my marriage every seed not planted by you in Jesus name.
3. I uproot from my marriage every intruder and agents of the devil causing confusion in my marriage.
4. Father, make my marriage work according to your plan for a Godly marriage.
5. Oh God my father, touch my wife, touch my husband (depending who is praying this prayer) and open her/his eyes to those areas crying for adjustment.
6. Father, let my marriage become a good epistle for intending couples.
7. Oh God my father, turn every challenge in my marriage to a bundle of testimonies in Jesus name.

■■■ For the singles:

8. Father, connect me with my own Adam or my own Eve today in Jesus name (depending who is praying this prayer).
9. Oh God my father, give me the grace to accept your choice for my life in marriage.
10. In the name of Jesus, I refuse to enter into wrong homes in marriage.
11. Oh God my father, let your will be done in my life in Jesus name.
12. Where you lead me oh God, there I will go in Jesus name.


I decree, the message of this day shall restore peace to every broken relationship in Jesus name.
I prophesy, to every marriage going through storms now, the storm is over in Jesus name.
Woman, the Lord has not created you barren but to “be fruitful and multiply”. I therefore stand upon this word of God to decree, in 9 months from now, your Samuel shall emerge to wipe away your tears in Jesus name.
To every man raising his hands against his wife, this message shall open your eyes from today in Jesus name.
To all the youth who are of marriageable age, the Lord who ordained the institution of marriage shall link you up with your right partners in Jesus name.
I decree, the men shall not take wrong bones and the ladies shall not enter into wrong homes in Jesus mighty name.
I command every intruder into God’s ordained marriages to be flushed out right now in Jesus name.
Your marriage shall not become a disappointment to God in Jesus name.
May your marriage agree with the order of God to enjoy marital bliss henceforth in Jesus name.

God bless you all.

Pastor Olutimehin Isaac is a pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church of God.
For prayers and counselling, please call or send me watts app message on 08033916074.
You can also connect me on facebook @ Isaac Olutimehin.
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