59 people die as Pastor gives them dettol to drink in church to prevent Coronavirus

South African Prophet Rufus Phala allegedly gave his members Dettol , a household bleach to drink as a preventive medicine to Coronavirus and also as a sign of faith during a church service.
Fifty-nine of them have been confirmed dead while four are in critical condition after drinking the Dettol .
Police are investigating the incident.
According to the police, the gullible followers of the prophet were made to believe that dettol would keep them away from contracting the deadly Coronavirus and any other diseases.
Those already ailing with different diseases were promised to be healed by the disinfectant which was to be admistered orally.
Recently, the same prophet made his church members drink Dettol, claiming the antiseptic liquid will heal their sickness.
SA, Prophet Rufus had told the congregation to drink the disinfectant, promising they would be healed of their sickness.
The prophet claimed that he had commanded the harmful drink not to harm the congrgants bodies but act as an insulation against any diseases including Coronavirus.
“I know Dettol is harmful, but God instructed me to use it. I was the first one to drink it,” he claimed, adding that he had been getting WhatsApp messages from people who said they had been healed.